Welcome to Vara Finance Limited

Welcome to Vara Finance Private Limited, incorporated in the year 2018 as a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered with The Reserve Bank of India to provide financial services. The present promoters of Vara Finance Private Limited, are the fifth generation entrepreneurs of the Annam Rathnaiah & Company, which has been a pioneer in the Gold Loan Business since 1885. Vara Finance being led by Mr.Vikas Annam, A Harvard Graduate is building an organisation that will achieve growth with excellence and innovation through implementation of new technologies while balancing the interests of its customers, employees and society. Vara Finance has come to stand for not only ‘Trust’ but quality, business leadership, the highest ethical standards and respect for all its customers.

Fairness and Service Quality

We intend to expand our businesses- with clear and transparent communication, eliminate hidden charges for all of our loans, and introduce easy-to-read loan agreements as preliminary steps toward winning the loyalities of the clients,well trained staff to guide the customers. We will continue to work to understand the needs and desires of our clients and then translate them into solutions to assist them.

Regulatory Reform

As a law abiding company, we sincerely adopt all the guidelines and regulations stipulated by regulators like Reserve Bank of India etc. We are the supporters of comprehensive regulatory reforms. We support many of the steps that have been taken for better protection of stakeholders in the loan sector.

Our Mission

The Mission of this company is to make a brand name of its own in non-banking finance sector, by providing better cost effective, responsive and trusted services to its clientele, particularly in semi-urban and rural areas.


We believe that when everyone in the company works together, the best results are achieved. Great teams, we believe, are built on mutual trust, shared ownership, and accountability. We operate as one company and believe that by working together, we can best meet the needs of our customers.


We believe that integrity and risk management are the foundations of our business. Every day, we are aware that our decisions and actions have an impact on the lives of others. We believe in making decisions that are clear, fair, and based on shared success, responsible citizenship, and community building principles.

Power of Our People

We make every effort to help our employees reach their full potential. We believe that having our rich heritage in this business experiences and backgrounds makes us stronger. We value our differences in thought, style, culture, ethnicity, and experience and respect each individual.


The Company visualizes immense possibilities in microfinance and small business loans. In addition to providing competitive financing to this sector, it is planning to provide many linked in services, like Money Transfer,insurance etc.. The Company aims for a horizontal and vertical growth within the next five to ten years, in non-banking finance sector.